How To Prepare For Leadership

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So you want to move ahead in your career but don’t know where to start? Look into training and certification opportunities. A certification shows employers that you’ve gained job-specific skills and knowledge. And, the right certification can raise your pay significantly!

Why pursue training in leadership development, you may ask? So you can stand out from the competition! Here are just a few examples of opportunities that can elevate your career to the next level.

Project Management Professional Certificate:For the individual striving to advance a career in project management, the PMP certificate is considered to be the profession’s gold standard — highly valued by prospective employers across myriad industries. Designed for those who already have a few years of work experience, the certification builds skills in project initiation, planning, and execution — preparing participants to lead even the most complex projects. The six-month program provides expert feedback and career coaching.

ICPM Certified Supervisor Professional Certificate:Toward the goal of real-world application, this program hones supervisory skills. Navigate the sweet spot of building a productive work atmosphere that also ensures employee rights. People have unique communication styles — learn to identify the best way to convey your message, while also hearing your team members. Gain confidence in creating and implementing plans and making sound decisions. This esteemed credential positions you for better job opportunities and prepares you to shine as a trusted, efficient, and effective supervisor.

Coaching Skills for Managers Specialization:Interested in bolstering your team’s performance? This is the training for you. Learn to coach and manage to foster optimal success in your employees. Gain skills in clarifying expectations and accountability. Learn how to accurately assess what your team has accomplished and where there exist challenges or opportunities. When things don’t go as hoped, practice empowering conversations that inspire those you supervise to do their best.

Career Success Specialization:Rather than focusing on one set of skills, this series takes a holistic approach to develop broad abilities necessary to bolster career success. From problem solving to communication, time management to financial savvy and negotiation, completion of this program sharpens essential tools and positions you for career advancement.